An Ounce Of Prevention Is Worth A Pound Of Cure
This might be a small statement, but its meaning is very deep and if understood properly, it could help in many ways. Many wise people, thus often hold it as a mantra to be adhered to Doctors worldwide also emphasize it. It can be taken to mean: “if you spend some amount of money today on prevention then it can save on the bigger amount that will be spent on the cure”. In the field of diseases, knowledge is an excellent cure. If you spend on awareness and better diet today that will help you by saving the money you could have spent on getting the cure later.
In breast cancer cases, the same thing applies. In America, around 180,000 new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed every year. This number could be considerably decreased if there were more awareness and a better lifestyle for those more at risk. Prevention is therefore the key to decreasing the risk of breast cancer.
These are some of the following steps that you can take to save a large amount of money later:

“Knowing about your body is a good thing.”
If you spend today on self-awareness programs for breast cancer, then you can save much more than what you will be forced to spend later on in seeking for a cure. Knowing about your body is a good thing. You can join some classes for self-awareness and learn how to do self-exams for breast cancer. These exams are very important as they can help you detect symptoms at a very early stage.
Regular doctor consultation:
You can meet professional professionals and ask them to prepare a regular monthly or yearly checkup plan for you. Mammography is the second step after the self-exam as you should have regular breast cancer exams. A mammography is not always right, but they find about 80% of the cancer cases that occur. And in case of breast cancer, early detection is always necessary for a successful cure.
A good diet plan:

“A good diet plan is always beneficial to health.”
A good diet plan is always beneficial to health. A healthy diet plan can greatly improve the immune system. So, eating healthy food should always be near the top of your priority list.
Many types of research show that having a high fiber diet plan can reduce the risk of breast cancer in young women under the age of 40. Therefore, legumes, fruits, seeds, and high fiber vegetables can be very helpful in reducing the level of excess estrogen.
Extra sugar in the blood is always harmful. Research shows that high levels of blood sugar are related to cancer development and excess sugar means an increased risk of developing breast cancer. You can add broccoli, cabbage and sprouts to your food in order to lower your risk of breast cancer. These food items can be very helpful.
One more thing to remember is that you should try to eat as much organic food as you can. In studies, it was found that pesticides produce Xenoestrogens that could have a negative impact on the female body and lead to a higher the risk of developing breast cancer.
Therefore, know what to do when you when you want to spend money buying food. Remember, an ounce of prevention or a pound of cure.
About Me
I welcome you all to the RakSutka blog. My name is Rovie Bautista. I manage the information on this blog. This blog provides solutions to the many health-related problems women today face. This is important in today’s world when people have less time to take care of their health and self-awareness.
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